Friday, November 4, 2011

Giving Thanks - Day 4: Employment

Since this isn't a "public" blog , if you're reading this you likely know that Ryan lost his job a few weeks ago.  Having him home with me everyday has certainly not been all sunshine and rainbows, but it really does make me thankful to have a job.  This says A LOT since all I've ever wanted to do as long as I can remember is be a stay at home mom.

At this point I would be thankful for ANY job so that we can continue to pay our mortgage but I especially thankful for the particular job that I have. I attended a Jaycee project called "Finding Your Perfect Career" several years ago and what I learned there has really stuck with me.  The speaker said that to find your perfect career you have to mesh your talent with your passion.  And that is what I've managed to do.  I'm pretty good at configuring employee giving campaign, matching gift programs and volunteering programs and even though I work now for a for-profit company (which I never thought I would do) I can still say that I'm supporting my passion for helping the community.  I'm proud to say that the companies (and mostly the employees of the companies) that I manage have contributed nearly $47M dollars to the community this year so far.  I have little impact on the magnitude of that figure but I am proud of it (and it looks AWESOME on a resume!!).

I would be remiss if I didn't specifically  mention my incredible boss Moira. She should be given an award for putting up with me on a daily basis. Thanks Moira! (more tomorrow)

Since I'd like to STAY employed (at least for the foreseeable future), if you know of a company that needs some help facilitating their online giving or other philanthropic endeavors, send them my way.

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