Friday, February 10, 2012

The Power of Candy

Warning: This story is not for the queamish, bodily functions will be discussed.

Many of you know what a roller coaster potty training has been for us. For those of you who don't, basically G took us by surprise back in December by deciding all on his own that he wanted to start potty training. R and I were truly not prepared. I was honestly thinking he'd be three when he got started, but if he says he's ready, who are we to argue, right? He did really well through that initial weekend (much thanks to the Guenther Gang for assisting while they were here visiting) and we told the teachers on Monday. They tested him out for a week and then let us know that they thought he was ready for full on potty training. After only two weeks of training at school they told us to send him to school in underwear and then we were scared. But off to Walmart we went

He was doing really, really well for weeks. He had even gotten to the point that he would just go into the bathroom on his own without even telling us and take care of business. But through it all he's only ever pooped once in the potty. We've had more accidents than we care to discuss and were getting very, very frustrated. He would go into the potty and pee, leave the potty and 5 minutes later we'd have a mess. I was starting to rip my hair out. Last night, despite R disagreeing with this tactic, I looked at G and said "If you poop in the potty for mommy I will give you a piece of candy". After dinner, we took him into the potty, sat him down and told him we needed to sit here for a while. About 30 seconds later he asked me for some "privacy" and seconds after I left the bathroom he yelled to me to bring him a book (seriously, this kid cracks me up). No luck that time but a short time later Ryan took him back in and he did it!!! NEVER in my life did I think I would get so excited over a bowel movement. I wish we could have gotten his reaction on camera because he was shaking with excitement.

Well, tonight, just like last night we took him straight after dinner and sat him down on the pot and told him to try (rather than waiting for him to have the urge on his own). Soon as he sat down he looked up at me with a HUGE smile and said "if I go poop mommy I get candy" and I said "yes sir". So tonight he went not once, not twice, but three times!!! Some might think he's having some intestinal issues, but I think he's just one smart cookie because he ended up getting two "conversation hearts" and a Candy Cane Joe Joe. I seriously think he's playing us, but you know what? I don't care!!!

Note to self:  buy conversation hearts after Valentine's Day on clearance!!!


  1. You go G!
    Oh my....he looks so BIG in these photos! I always think of him as a toddler but boy, those are some long legs!

  2. Oh yeah, and you didn't ask me! I would gladly poop for a Candy Cane JoJo. Heck, I would knock down an old lady and steal her Buick for some JoJos. I am just saying.....

  3. I love that kid! Go G! I would say a few conversation hearts in a given night is better than a few pairs of underwear filled with you-know-what! Wahoo!
