Monday, July 23, 2012


One of my favorite new co-workers posted this picture outside her cube and it makes me smile everytime I walk by.  It helps remind me that perception is everything.  We each have control over how we react to the things that happen to us in life.  If, for example, our car breaks down on a busy week when we have a million errands to run, we can look at it negatively and simply cuss complain about it.  OR we can use it as an opportunity for personal growth.  Here are just a a few of the opportunities I've identified for this week: 

  • Practice delegating by
  •  asking Jimbo to run a few of the errands while he has the car during the day.  
  • Investigate the bus system that we have here in town.  I've seen them several times as I've been driving home and have meant to investigate, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
  • Save some money by bringing my lunch to work each day 
  • Get to know my co-workers better by asking them to take me to lunch with them.
  • Write a blog article about the whole situation so that JMKG knows that I'm still alive.
  • Have an actual conversation with Jimbo that is not instantly interrupted by a tiny voice needing something as he drives me to work.

Tell me how you turned a challenging situation into a positive experience?

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