In case you can't make out the picture:
- 2 bags of cough drops ($.20)
- 8 boxes of granola bars ($7.60)
- 8 boxes of cereal ($8)
- 4 bags of cookie mix ($4)
- 8 Hormel dinners ($6.96)
- 2 boxes of crackers ($3)
- 2 bags of oyster crackers ($3)
- 2 coffee creamers ($1.50)
- 2 Wholly Guacamole ($1.58)
- 2 1/2 gallons of milk (free)
- 2 boxes fish sticks ($2.99)
- 1 box tilapia ($.84)
- 1 bag of rice pilaf ($.19)
Other discounts:
$10 off $50 purchase
$5 off for purchasing 15 GM products (not really sure why I got this though)
$4 off from from GM as well (again, not really sure why I got this)
Thanks to Harris Teeter and General Mills for putting out such great deals. Extra special thanks to Amy Dunn and Faye Prosser who do all the work for me in putting the deals together!
P.S. The title of this article could have also been "My BFF has turned me into a BTFE maniac!" I need cereal and granola bars like I need a hole in the head (although we do go through both really fast) but since they have boxtops and Banana's school is collecting them I cannot resist.
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